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- Shoes
Wahrscheinlich, das Feinste was man an Sneakern erwerben kann. Der nat-2™ Sleek ist ein zeitloser Klassiker, unverändert, bewährt in der Passform. Er kommt meist in reinem weiss daher, nur an der Ferse wechseln sich Farben und Materialien ab. Fair produziert in Italien aus feinstem Nappaleder, mit weichem Lederfutter und einer stylishen und bequemen, natürlichen Echtkorksohle.
Handgemacht in Italien
Außenmaterial: Feinstes Nappa Leder
Innenfutter- und Sohle: weiches Leder und Echtkork
Laufsohle: 100% Echt Gummi
Passform: normal
Source: COILEX
nat-2™ is a luxury footwear brand based in Munich, Germany.
Fair trade: The shoes are produced fairly by a small producer in Italy and the wellies are produced in Italy or elsewhere in the EU, depending on where they have time. The shoes are produced under fair working conditions.
Environmentally friendly: nat-2 only uses sustainable materials. They use certified wood, stone, hay, natural rubber, vegetable-tanned leather, grass, recycled materials such as corn, coffee, milk, PET bottles, glass, wine corks, leather remnants, eco-cotton, pineapple, etc.
Locally produced: Production in the EU.
Vegan: nat-2 also has a vegan collection that is 100% vegan and the glue does not contain any animal products.
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