Grete Manufaktur Seife Ette from Jyoti - Fair Works

Grete Manufaktur Seife Ette


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  • FAT
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  • FAT Fair Trade
  • SUPLC Good Cause
  • MIL Eco-Friendly

Short description

Die runde Seife bringt den Terrazzo-Trend in dein Badezimmer. Sie ist geeignet für jeden Hauttyp, für die Hände und das Gesicht oder als Duschseife. Sie duftet frisch und spritzig nach Grapefruit und enthält einen extra hohen Anteil an hochwertigem Kokosöl, deiner Haut die extra Portion Pflege zukommen lässt, die sie verdient.

Die Grete Seife kommt ganz ohne Konservierungsstoffe, Silikone und synthetische Tenside aus, ist antiseptisch und biologisch abbaubar, vegan und palmölfrei.

Die Seifen der Grete Manufaktur werden mit viel Liebe in Deutschland hergestellt.

  • Farbe: Grün mit bunten Terazzo Elementen
  • Material: Kokosöl, Rapsöl, Rizinusöl
  • Maße: Durchmesser 7cm, 80g

Source: Jyoti - Fair Works

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About the brand

Brand: Jyoti - Fair Works is a German-Indian brand that produces fairly and ecologically. The goal of Jyoti is to make clothing that not only makes their customers happy but also the workers and producers. This starts with raw cotton which is mainly GOTS certified, fair and organic. However, a small part of the weaving companies is not yet certified because they do not have access to certified cotton. 

Fair Trade: From seed to garment. Fairly and environmentally friendly the entire production takes place in India. The clothing is sewn together in a small sewing workshop in Chittapur by seamstresses who have a social disadvantage. The seamstresses who work there receive a fair wage and the opportunity for training, healthcare and to work around their children's school schedules.

Environmentally Friendly: Jyoti mainly uses GOTS certified, fair and organic cotton fabrics that come from various weaving companies. Jyoti puts a lot of effort into making sure that all these companies produce in a fairway and also visits the workplaces. However, not all can be certified, often because this is too expensive for them.

Good Cause: Jyoti partners with NGOs for emergencies such as climate-change-induced floods and the COVID-19 crisis. Jyoti e.V. offers labour rights, women’s rights, business development as well as literacy and English courses for the seamstresses. You can read more about their projects and fields of activity on their website.

Practical information

Shipping fee:  £ 5.18,- in Europe

Delivery time: 4-6 working days in Europe

Okerstr. 45
12049 Berlijn

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